Tango Argentino Beginner Course on Tue, Fri or Sat
Come & experience the most beautiful couple dance!
This course provides you with all the elements to begin your journey into dancing tango in any dance floor, in any city in the world!
Instructor: Miss Candy Sze & Anita Sze
Bio: They are the –
Tango Instructor of the Master Class in “Hong Kong Dance Festival 2006” to teach the dance students studied in Hong Kong Performance Art Academy (HKAPA) and Overseas Dance Universities.
Guest performer in Finale Party of ” Hong Kong Latin American Festival”
Tango Instructor & Performer of “Tango Argentino Series” in Hong Kong Chinese University
Organizer & Artistic Director of “Tango Puro in HK” & ” Tango Temptation”
Argentine Tango Consultant of RTHK show “Solo Tango”
Tango Argentino Beginner Course on Tue, Fri or Sat
Tuesday Course : Every Tue at 8:00-9:00pm
Friday Course : Every Fri at 8:00-9:00pm
Saturday Course : Every Sat at 3:00-4:00pm
$1500/10 continuous lesson or $1700/10 lessons in 3 months
Cantonese and /or English
Trio Spin Studio, 7B Time Centre, 53-55 Hollywood Road, Central, HK
Please send us registration form & settle the payment according to the payment procedure
Download registration form: http://www.triospin.com/html/CLASSINFO/ClassRegForm.pdf
1) Please pay course fee to Bank of China”012-916-10061929″ “Trio Spin Studio & Productions” & fax receipt to 28893666.
2)Cheque payable to Trio Spin Studio & Productions” & send to Trio Spin Studio, 7B Time Centre, 53-55 Hollywood Road, Central, HK
Enquiry: 25212168 / info@triospin.com /Website: www.triospin.com