Alvaro Salas and Julieta Cappiello Tango Workshop – January 2014

The long-awaited Argentine Tango Masters Alvaro Salas and Julieta Cappiello will visit Hong Kong from 24 to 27 January 2014 for the workshop organised by Trio Spin Studio.

Alvaro has been dedicated to teaching tango in Japan for many years.  We have invited Alvaro to teach and perform in Hong Kong in 2004, 2006 and 2008.  Alvaro’s classes left good memory to our intermediate classmates as his classes has helped them effectively improve their strength and polish their technique. Alvaro’s dedication and respect to Argentine Tango have set up a good example for the intermediate classmates in their pursuit of tango.

It is our great pleasure to take this rare chance again to have Alvaro and Julieta in Hong Kong. This workshop has Very Limited Places.  For more information about the workshop, please follow our website and like our Facebook page to get our updates and news!

期待多年的阿根廷探戈大師 Alvaro Salas 將與 Julieta Cappiello 於2014 年 1 月 24 至 27 日來港出席 Trio Spin Studio 舉辦的大師工作坊!Alvaro 在日本辦學多年,桃李滿門,我們曾在 2004、2006 及2008 年分別三次邀請Alvaro來港表演及授課。不少年資較長的同學對他的教學念念不忘,他的課有效提升同學們的能力和技巧,Alvaro對探戈的熱愛及尊重,直接確立了一代舞者日後在追求舞藝的態度。我們非常榮幸可再次邀請他來港授課。是次工作坊只有少量名額,大家請把握機會!欲知工作坊課程的詳情,請留意本網站的更新及讚好我們的Facebook專頁,我們將為你送上有關資訊。