We enjoy Argentine Tango because the dance is graceful, the music is charming and its culture is diversified. In tango, we re-discover ourselves and experience the magic of communication.

It is our humble wish to share our joy with you, with everyone in Hong Kong. With this as our mission, we set up the Hong Kong Tango Argentino Association and organize exhibitions, talks, workshops, practica and milonga for our members and all tango lovers.

Hong Kong Tango Argentino Association (HKTAA) has been established for 19 years. There has been a long period in which Argentine Tango has accompanied all of us. Argentine Tango means to us and when the time goes by, we will query ourselves, what we can give back to Tango and the world.

We found out that Argentine Tango Therapy has been widely used in hospitals all over Europe, the US, and Japan to help patients which suffer from Parkinson’s disease, Dementia, and Emotional disorders. For this, our consultants studied and obtained professional qualifications as Argentine Tango Therapists

From now on, HKTAA promotes Argentine Tango and its culture. We will also support the Argentine Tango Therapy activities, to commit ourselves to serve the society and healing those people who are in need.

To subscribe to our newsletter, just send in your name, telephone number and email address to contact@hongkongtango.org.

我們愛探戈, 因為它有優美的舞蹈、美好的音樂、豐富的文化。而學習探戈更讓我們感覺「自己」,細味「溝通」。

因為探戈,我們的生活以及我們與他人的關係都有好的改善,我們明白探戈並非單純的舞蹈,也是一種生活態度。 因為探戈我們遇上, 成為舞伴, 成為朋友, 每周一起認認真真的學習, 開開心心地跳舞, 笑笑鬧鬧, 分享著探戈帶給我們的快樂。我們也希望能遇上你, 並將這份樂趣帶給你。 因此, 我們成立香港阿根廷探戈協會,並舉辦許多探戈活動, 包括展覽、電影欣賞、講座、工作坊、練習、舞會等, 讓香港人更認識這種舞蹈。 我們藉著不同的探戈舞蹈及文化活動的推廣, 希望讓大家接觸探戈, 愛上探戈。




我們歡迎你們成為我們的朋友, 如要收到我們的會訊, 請將你的姓名、電話、電郵地址email至contact@hongkongtango.org。