Argentine Tango Therapy helps Parkinson's patients.


感謝主辦機構中華菁英扶輪社邀請籌辦是次活動,支持機構Trio Spin Studio 派出阿根廷探戈治療師及提供場地贊助,Dance Universal Association及Hong Kong Quality Promotion Association及香港柏金遜症協會的參加者全力支持這個有意義的阿根廷探戈治療活動。 活動完結後,收到很多柏金遜病友正面的回饋及確認阿根廷探戈治療能幫助到他們穩定走路的姿勢、節奏,能預防他們跌倒。 感恩能為柏友帶來輕鬆探戈治療的體驗,讓他們能穩步前行。


我們除了可以透過舞蹈學習如何有規律地照顧自己、運用身體肌肉、建立優雅的氣質、抒發心情外,還可以以舞蹈去照顧和幫助病者,讓病者能在舞蹈中抒緩病情。香港阿根廷探戈協會主席Anita Sze聯同本港首位阿根廷探戈治療師Candy Sze於2023年1月8日為香港柏金遜症協會會員舉辦一個「柏友探戈同行展笑容」的免費活動(活動由中華菁英扶輪社贊助,場地由Trio Spin Studio免費提供),讓他們輕鬆體驗阿根廷探戈治療。本協會亦全力支持是次有意義的活動,阿根廷探戈治療除有助舒緩柏金遜症病情外,對於失智症、中風、情緒問題、SEN 小朋友專注力及預防老人跌倒都有改善的效果。歡迎有興趣的NGO和機構聯絡本會 (Whatsapp 98018889)。 #阿根廷探戈治療#舞蹈治療#服務社會#柏金遜症#在輕鬆舞動下#舒緩病情

Secret Garden Milonga – 28 March 2015

We are so lucky and blessed that there is a balcony in our studio. It is so luxury to have such a big balcony in Hong Kong. We always think about to spend the time with all of you in this balcony, watching the sky, drinking, eating, chatting and dancing. It’s such a romantic place. …

Chinese New Year Milonga – 28 Feb 2015

On 28 Feb 2015, we plan to dinner with everyone to celebrate the Chinese New Year. And then we will have our monthly milonga afterward, dancing tango and listening to Tango music. It should be a wonderful night. So everyone, please mark your calendar on that night for dinner and milonga. If you cannot come …

First Monthly Milonga 2015 @ Trio Spin

Can’t wait to dance in Trio Spin Milonga with the wonderful tango music chosen by Candy Sze. We will have our first Trio Spin Milonga on 24 Jan 2015, come and tango with all of us! This event is open to EVERYONE. Invite your family & friends to come and enjoy the tango music and …